To accomplish the deletion of a row with a prompt to the user for confirmation you will need a hidden page item and a dynamic action.

On the page that has your report, add a hidden page item - mine is called P20_DELETE_ID. This item will be used by our dynamic action to hold the primary key of the row on which the user clicked the delete icon.

You need to add a link column to your report for the delete icon with the following attributes:

Link Target: URL
URL: javascript:void(null);
Link Text: <span class="t-Icon fa fa-trash delete-note" aria-hidden="true"></span>
Link Attributes: data-id=#REMOVE#

Notice in the Link Text that I added a class called delete-note. This is the jQuery selector we will use to trigger our dynamic action. Also, notice the Link Attributes - the column referenced here, in my case #REMOVE#, should hold the primary key for the row. This value will be used to identify the row that needs to be deleted in your delete PL/SQL statement.

Next, we need a dynamic action that fires on click of our jQuery selector, .delete-note. This action will have four true actions:

True Action #1: Confirm
Text: Are you sure?

True Action #2: Set Value
Set Type: JavaScript Expression
JavaScript Expression: $(this.triggeringElement).parent().data('id')
Affected elements:
Selection Type: Item(s)
Items(s): P20_DELETE_ID <---- your hidden page item

True Action #3: Execute PL/SQL Code
PL/SQL Code: delete from jsd_notes where id = :P20_DELETE_ID;
Items to Submit: P20_DELETE_ID <---- your hidden page item

True Action #4: Refresh
Selection Type: Region
Region: Notifications <---- your report region

And that should do it :)

- Raihan -